
aladdins steak and cheese...its been 2 years...too good

half gin, half tequila....i had 2 microscopic sips


tuna sandwich

now heres the deal with tuna...i havent had tuna on a sandwich style in like maybe 18 years or some shit? i have had tuna steaks and stuff which rule, but the whole sandwich tuna thing freaked me out because i hated it as a kid and at my daycare they served that shit everyday on sandwich..and they were all like "if you dont eat that then you cant use the bathroom for the rest of the day"...horrible! so until i was like 14 whenever i smelled tuna fish i would either shit my pants or piss automatically....(just kidding). but yeah youre tastebuds change every 7 years or something, here i am 23 years old, eating tuna sandwiches, fuck daycare! not really. but tunas got hella protein so thats good to get me going for some river fun..thanks patrick for the advice. boom!